Wireless sensor networks have been very popular research field for the Last couple of years. ZigBee is a new technology now being deployed for Wireless sensor networks. ZigBee is a low data rate wireless network Standard defined by the ZigBee Alliance and based on the IEEE 802.15.4.The ZigBee wireless network has some advantages compared With other wireless networks, it has the characteristics of low power, low Price, highly secured and reliable.

This project presents the implementation of a wireless sensor actor (point to point) to control a four link ROBOARM with human machine Interface (HMI) from a remote location.Voice of a particular human is recognized using MATLAB software and the given commands are transmitted through the serial port of a computer using Xbee to the roboarm.  

host unit circuit diagram:

node unit block diagram  ( proteus scheme )

node unit full circuit:

This project presents the implementation of a wireless sensor actor (point to point) to control a four link ROBOARM with human machine Interface (HMI) from a remote location
      The main objective of our Project is to present an Electro-Mechanical based     construction of a robot arm with wireless control to manipulate objects on a platform using ZigBee based wireless control.

The robot consists of four main divisions
1.Robot Base Assembly
The robot base with a synthetic plate and a DC motor is coupled at base center position, this allows the base to rotate 360 degrees either CW or CCW direction by changing the polarity of the motor using L293D motor driver by PIC16f877a microcontroller, when the command received by host unit.

2.Robot Arm Assembly

The robot links are designed using DC motor arranged as circular to linear converter for link movement either up or down. This DC motor control is done through motor driver L293D..

3.Robot Gripper Assembly

The shaft of the motor is locked to one of the plastic gear wheel through a coupler. Two gears touching will always be counter rotation, i.e., if one rotates clockwise, the other always rotates counter clockwise. According to the polarity of the Motor the movable plates either holds or releases the object.

     4.Wireless link

The experimental set up consists of two units’ viz.,
1. sensor node unit
2.host unit


 The sensor node unit consists of PIC16F877A microcontroller with a wireless radio. The robot arm consists of dc motors which are driven by motor driver L293D, which is controlled by microcontroller. The microcontroller dumped with a program, in which different commands is useful to drive different motors of  roboarm.


The host unit sends the commands to the robot (which consists of sensor node unit), then as per the instruction  by the user the roboarm acts accordingly

The experimental set up consists of two units’ viz., sensor node unit and host unit as shown in the figure 3. The sensor node unit consists of PIC16F877A microcontroller with a wireless radio. The robot arm consists of dc motors which are driven by motor driver L293D, which is controlled by microcontroller. The microcontroller contains a program which contains different commands which is useful to drive different motors of  roboarm. The host unit sends the commands to the robot which consists of sensor node unit, then as per the instruction  by the user the roboarm acts accordingly


The radio’s PAN ID, source and destination addresses are configured using X-CTU software prior to insert the Xbee Transceivers as shown in the figure 6.

Controls at HOST node

         4=LED OFF ,                                    6=FORWARD DIRECTION
5=LED ON ,                                     7=REVERSE DIRECTION
1=RECEIVE DATA,                       2=HALT DATA,
                                                           8=MOTOR STOP,



We made an electromechanical based robot with 4 links with a computer interface   (consists of Node unit and Host unit)  to control robot’s action till now  and predict the  margin of errors in our project is within tolerant limits and  gathered data  for future expansion to Human machine Interface (HMI)


Unknown said...

please post embedded code for this project or sent it to my mail id kmnslm@gmail.com

Unknown said...

please post embedded code for this project or sent it to my mail id rahulks239@gmail.com and also snaps.

Unknown said...

please post embedded code for this project or sent it to my mail id jnagarajanece@gmail.com and also snaps.

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